in the Cell
The Youth Club spent a very interesting evening visiting the new Waterlooville Police Station. It is a very impressive modern building designed, apparently, to look like a ship in full sail when you stand in the main corridor.
We were met by a dog handler who told us about his German Shepherd dog, Buster, and the training and work they do together. He was a beautiful, mainly black, dog but we don't fancy meeting him in a crowd control situation! Then we were introduced to Meg who is a spaniel trained to sniff out drugs. She had come from the RSPCA and had trained in three weeks, she was so clever. She quickly tracked down a package of Cannabis hidden in a plant pot but wasn't interested in the contents. She just wanted her tennis ball to play with as a reward.
A visit to the cells followed empty and cold. We didn't fancy a night in there. Then we saw an interview room with all the tape recording facilities.
Suspicious characters at Waterlooville Police Station
Upstairs we saw the offices and the latest computer equipment that keeps Waterlooville linked to the rest of Hampshire. In the conference room we saw photos of places that had been raided, discovered how a telescopic truncheon worked and were handcuffed together! It was a very interesting evening and we would like to thank DC Watt (Ria and Chloe's Dad) for arranging it and taking us round.
Family Eucharist
May we take this opportunity to thank everyone for their complimentary comments on the young peoples' work in the monthly Family Eucharists. It is a wonderful chance for them to feel part of the family of St George's and an excellent place for them to learn how to speak and present their ideas.
Many of you will have followed the development of the youngsters as they have progressed from minor parts and a few lines in the intercessions to major readings and presentations. It is always pleasing for them to hear your praise.
May we just ask that people are careful not to criticise their minor faults. The Youth Leaders are always willing to hear these and take note but it does not do the self esteem much good if you have been brave enough to stand up and do something, only to have failings pointed out immediately afterwards. We don't want to put people off.
Rest assured that we will work to improve our faults but please don't confront the young people directly. On the other hand, please feel free to tell them if you have enjoyed their efforts. They put a lot of effort into it.
Thank you.
written by The Youth Leaders Team
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page last updated 10 DECEMBER 1997