We have appointed a new Architect, Roger Boyce, due to the resignation of Mr Makins. It was agreed to send a £30 book token as a small symbol of our appreciation of Mr Makins' services, given free of charge over at least thirty years.
A comprehensive summary of accounts has been devised and was presented at this meeting. In future this will be sent out with the Agenda in order that the PCC have an up to date state of the accounts.
The Fabric Committee are in a holding situation due to the imminent quinquennial inspection by the new architect. This will include tower ladders, shelving in the tower, ramp, railings outside, lighting over the gallery, repairs to east and west walls.
Admission to Holy Communion - there was a discussion on a letter received from The Rev. Canon David Isaac, Director of Education, outlining the introduction of communion to young children prior to confirmation. The PCC were concerned about this and two PCC members are to attend a meeting in October and report back.
Millennium - The PCC are looking into various possible events. Yvonne Jones would very much like to organise a Millennium Flower Festival with other churches.
A Third Archdeaconry - The PCC agreed to reply to the Secretary of the Diocesan Board of Ministry at Cathedral House as follows:- "We believe it should be the Bishop's responsibility to arrange his staff within his budget as long as there is not a consequential increase in our quota, or a reduction in Parish priests in the diocese. We understand that this is indeed the case, as per the Bishop's Roadshow."
written by Adina Burton, Hon. Secretary to the PCC
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