In a few weeks we shall be celebrating again the Nativity of Jesus Christ, with all its joy and promise this great festival brings to the Christian believer. As we gather round the crib in church or at home (I hope you have one) let us renew our faith in the greatest saving act of God-in-Christ, intervening in human life. This great event is called in theological language "incarnation", God taking upon Himself human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. It reminds us also of the desire of God to "incarnate" Himself in every one of us, to be part of us, not only at Christmas, but in every moment of our lives.
His name shall be called "Emmanuel", which means "God with us". Make all this more than a theological statement. Make it a reality this Christmas for you. As we approach the second millennium during the coming year, let Christ come into your heart and life and remain there throughout the year.
Jesus Christ was born into the world in poverty... he was born in a stable in Bethlehem.. yet even in his poverty, he was adored by shepherds and also by Kings. As you kneel in adoration this Christmas at the crib, make it a regular practice to come and kneel before him in the greatest act of worship of Christ's Church at the Eucharist, the representation of his saving act on Calvary. What began in the crib finds its culmination on the Cross.
'O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!'
With my very best wishes and prayers for a happy and holy Christmas and my blessing for the year 1999.
Your priest and friend.
Fr Malcolm Ferrier
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