The Link Group have met several times this term. We made bread for the Harvest loaf and ran the Harvest family service. The theme was bread and the importance of farming and harvest, relating it to bread around the world and the importance of bread in the Eucharist.
We attended Youth Quake at Winchester Cathedral where several Christian bands played. We missed the interesting workshops of previous years but enjoyed the event as a whole. Our November meetings included a discussion about drugs, abuse and problems associated with them and a visit to ten pin bowling. The Christmas bazaar will necessitate some craft work so that we can have a stall. Our Christmas celebration will be an "American" style meal and we shall be preparing to take part in the Revue in January.
We have several new members and are always happy to welcome anyone "rising 16". We meet about fortnightly but on different evenings so that if you work or have other commitments there should be one meeting you can get to each six weeks or so. Many of the group play in the Church Youth Band and anyone who plays an instrument and reads music would be welcome to join us at on Friday evenings (contact Lesley Handy).
written by The Link Group
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page last updated 6 DECEMBER 1998