The retiring collection during October for the Church Army amounted to £118.20 and how appropriate it was to have Captain Mike Voice from the Church Army, with his St George's Portsea connections, preach at our service on October 18th. The idea was originally suggested by Betty Keyte and we must ensure St George's continues to support the work of the Church Army highlighted for us by Betty. Do look out for their publication Share It on the table at the back of the church, an interesting magazine with a three month prayer diary included.
The final figure for the Charity Shop takings was £1872.13, and several generous donations have recently been received from members of the congregation, totalling £195 altogether, for general church funds, together with £69.10 collected at the Trafalgar Day service. Income by way of interest and dividends from our investments totalled £1243 during the quarter ended September 1998, and our share of the ticket sales for the Oaklands School Concert on July 18th reached £375. The 100 Club have donated the sum of £577.28 towards the cost of the new ramp for the church door, and in order to proceed with this and other work, including the fencing for the memorial garden, the PCC have applied for the necessary faculty to cover the legal aspects at a cost of £97.
I hope most of you have seen and read a copy of another leaflet recently produced by the Parish Resources Officer, Diocese of Portsmouth, a yellow pamphlet this time, entitled How much should I give. There are also a few copies available of the green covenanting leaflet on the table at the back of the church to which I referred last month.
And finally the collection at the Remembrance Day Service amounted to £102.31 of which half will be forwarded to the Royal British Legion. Best wishes for a very Happy Christmas everyone.
written by Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer, P.C.C.
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