The last few weeks have been very busy with numerous bills some regular and anticipated but others unexpected putting a strain on cash readily available in general church funds, and even putting us temporarily behind with our monthly quota payment of £2940.
The total cost of repairs to the church roof amounted to £4206 and funds were withdrawn from our Central Board of Finance deposit fund to cover this, money which will be difficult to replace and in the long term will mean another reduction in our investment income. Furthermore the October quota payment has been met from our Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance deposit fund with similar consequences.
Our quota payment for the year 2000 has now been confirmed as £36,657 meaning over £3000 will have to be found every month next year before we begin to meet our other everyday expenses.
Recent essential repairs to the Hall roof cost £163, quarterly organ tune £90.48 and our annual CCLI Copyright reproduction licence (for hymn words only) cost £84. The quiz night on October 16th made £100 net profit and the Race Night on November 13th well over £200. At the time of the magazine going to print £156 has been received in advance sales for John Symonds book about the history of the church and Parish of Waterlooville from 1831-1970.
On the Charity front the retiring collection during October for the Church Army raised £119.24 at the church door and was boosted by an additional sum of £50 donated from the Wednesday coffee morning monies. The Christian Aid New Start gift envelopes raised £23 and in response to a Christian Aid appeal for the cyclone devastation crisis in Orissa India another £50 is being donated from the Wednesday coffee morning monies.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and let's hope the Millennium is memorable for all the right reasons.
Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer to the PCC
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