Crossword No 28: December 1999
Clues Across:
1. Does it Blow in the Wind ? (6)
4. Teacher (6)
7. Christian
Festival (9)
9. Black Eye Liner (4)
10. The Bells Did (4)
11. Gem
13. Lifted High (6)
14. Accelerated (6)
15. Clever (6)
Nasty Fly (6)
19. Vision (5)
20. Snatch (4)
22. Air (4)
Believer in an Old Philosopher (9)
24. Planet (6)
25. Shortened Form of a
Plural 7 Across (6)
Clues Down:
1. Oven (6)
2. Story Teller (4)
3. Went Out (6)
4. Mary was One
5. A Sign for the Wise Men (4)
6. Torn (6)
7. A Follower of Jesus
8. What Jesus Promised (9)
11. The Son of God (5)
12. Tiniest
15. Heavenly Messengers (6)
16. Heed (6)
17. Part of the Body
18. Birds (6)
21. Old Boyfriend (4)
22. Story (4)
Answers next month.
Answers to the November 1999 Crossword
Across: 1. Harvests. 7. Cross. 8. Leukaemia. 9. Fir. 10. Side. 11. Elders. 13. Cedars. 14. Azalea. 17. Devout. 18. Limb. 20. SAE. 22. Ascension. 23. Devil. 24. Godspeed.Down. 1. Halts. 2. Rounded. 3. Esau. 4. Temple. 5. Colfs. 6. Tsarina. 7. Cadenza. 12. Trivial. 13. Crusade. 15. Laicize. 16. Nuncio. 17. Delve. 19. Boned. 21. Onus.
written by Jane Rice-Oxley
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page last updated 5 DECEMBER 1999