Our Youth Club started up again this term with the de-decoration of the church followed by a games evening. We welcome new member Lara Williams. We have another varied term in store including cooking, board games, 10 pin bowling, and skating and swimming at The Spectrum Centre in Guildford. We have a fund raising Race Night on 16th February to which all congregation are warmly welcome and, of course we have our canal boat holiday week at Easter. This time we are taking 2 boats round the London ring as well as a trip down the Thames to Hampton Court Palace, repeating our trip of three or four years ago. This will be our 8th year on the canals but, despite the hardships and disciplines of narrow boat life, the children seem to keep coming back for more! Sadly we still only have 12 members, but what we lack in number we certainly make up for in quality. (Almost all members took part in the annual pantomime with great success). However if anyone out there knows of someone who might benefit from joining, please pass on their names to Jane or I and we will approach them. Attendance at the Family Eucharist each month is compulsory, but other than that, there are not too many rules, and the club exists to bring together young people under 16 in a non-school environment, where they can meet and enjoy a variety of activities which they might not get at home. We still need leaders and helpers to ensure that the club continues to flourish after the current team leave, so if you are at all interested please see Jane or Tony and come along for an evening to see what it is like! Tony Rice-Oxley |
page last updated 5 FEBRUARY 2001 |