n the Catacombs of Rome, the burial place of early Christians, and the place where they worshipped in the time of the persecution, there are some fine frescoes of primitive Christian art. One of the most popular being a representation of Christ the Good Shepherd and this has proved a favourite subject in stained glass and sculpture over the centuries being based upon the title of Christ when He said, 'I am the Good Shepherd' (John 10). He is frequently depicted with a lamb upon His shoulders. A lamb is another symbol of Christ, being based upon the words of St John the Baptist when he saw Jesus coming toward him and said 'Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world' (John 1.29), words we use at the Eucharist as we prepare to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Eastertide is a joyful time - 'Springtime', when winter is shaken off and spring is come and the trees and flowers burst again into bloom. It is also a time of new birth, especially in the countryside with the spring lambs and young calves. It reminds us of the new life and new birth we receive through the glorious resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is usually one of the busiest times of the year for farmers and this year it has not been one of joy for them or us, as we see the dreadful foot and mouth disease spreading all over our countryside and the horrific pictures on the television of the huge cremation fires and piles of rotting carcasses. The farming and rural communities have our sympathy and prayers at this terrible time. Let us pray that this afflication may soon be over and that all creatures may flourish and families and communities may live in peace, to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Good Friday is the one day in the year when all who call themselves Christian should kneel at the foot of the Cross! I have said this every year since I came here and I think it is appalling that so many faithful Christians seem to think that Good Friday is just another ordinary day. How can we celebrate Easter unless we have knelt at the foot of the cross? For Christians, the Lamb of God is nailed to the Cross on Calvery for our sins. 'If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us'. (St John 1.8). As Jesus hung on the cross, the sacrificial lambs were being offered on the altar of the Temple in Jerusalem. So He is identified as a sacrificial lamb who offers Himself willingly on the altar of the Cross and at the altar in every Eucharist. Please do not let another Good Friday pass without your worship. I remember seeing many years ago outside a church in London a wayside crucifix and underneath the words inscribed on the stone base, 'Is it nothing all ye who pass by?' With my blessing and prayers for a joyful Easter. Malcolm Ferrier. |
page last updated 1 APRIL 2001 |