Dear God The Day is before me to do with as I will, but because without Thy help I am as frail as a cotton flower in a summer storm, support and strengthen me so that I find it less difficult to walk in Thy ways. Let not the evening pass into night, nor dawn into day without my giving thanks to Thee for all Thy blessings: for my eyes that feed my spirit, my ears that guard my conscience, and my mouth which I must not abuse. Make me grateful for these gifts, so that when my eyes survey the great mystery of Creation, my ears accept the wisdom of Thy teachings, and my mouth speaks of Thy divine love. In quietness let me praise Thee for the changing seasons, for the great love I feel for the birds of the air, and the beasts of the field; for the gift of friends, for the comfort of loving and being loved. Make me always aware of Thy favours, so that when I am at peace with myself my thoughts turn outwards towards the hungry, the sick and the unwanted. O God, I entreat you to foster an awareness in men's hearts so that cruelty and avarice are no more. Protect and comfort the aged, guide and help the young, save your humbler creation from those that torture and destroy them, so that they may live without fear. Help those that are dear to me, give them courage to meet adversity, and faith to sustain them in their hours of darkness. Teach me to be more acceptable in Thy sight, so that I may know the peace that falls on the spirit that aspires to keep company with Thee. Let me learn the philosophy of acceptance, so that I may be more patient, more thoughtful for others and less concerned with myself. When the days come that are hard to live through, and temporarily I forget to count my blessings, be Thou beside me to chide and point the way. Dear Father bestow on each one of us that inspired faith which enriches the spirit, and gives purpose to this our earthly life, so that we may know the Peace that passeth all understanding. Amen. this prayer was written by Doreen M Bufton, whose ashes are interred alongside St Hubert's Chapel, Idsworth. Doreen M Bufton |
page last updated 1 MAY 2001 |