This month has a variety of festivals of the Church; Pentecost; Holy Trinity; Corpus Christi; St Barnabas, Apostle; the Sacred Heart of Jesus; the Birthday of St John the Baptist and SS Peter and Paul, Apostles. The fiftieth day of Easter brings to a close the greatest festival of the Church with the celebration of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came in power on the disciples and changed weak and timid men who would carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. It is the birthday of the Church, the Body of Christ, which still lives his divine life in the world today in men and women who by Baptism and Confirmation, seek to spread the Gospel of Christ empowered by the grace and the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is followed by three important festivals, the Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi and in Catholic devotion, the Sacred Heart. We are reminded on Trinity Sunday that we worship God revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit which is the basis of our faith as Christians, set out in the catholic creeds and which we affirm day by day and Sunday by Sunday. Corpus Christi is a celebration of the mystery of the Eucharist, the sacrament in which Jesus remains with us to feed us and lead us on our journey to heaven. Maundy Thursday when the Last Supper was celebrated is overshadowed by the Cross and Passion, at Corpus Christi we do so rejoicing in the glory of the resurrection and looking forward to its fulfilment in the banquet in the life to come. The feast of the Sacred Heart is a beautiful feast of devotion which celebrates the everlasting mercy of God who turns no one away; no sin is beyond redemption for those who repent. We do not earn God's love, it is freely given, as we sing in that lovely hymn: "Jesus, who gave himself for you upon the cross to die, open to you his sacred heart; O to that heart draw nigh". (NEH 63). May I wish you all every blessing and prayer in your continued pilgrimage as Christians. Your priest and friend, Malcolm Ferrier. |
page last updated 1 JUNE 2001 |