Crossword No 44: Summer
![Crossword puzzle](../1998/01_cwd.jpg)
4. Biblical Land (6) 5. Fit
(4) 7. He Made Heaven and Earth (7) 10. Anaesthetic (5) 11. Prominent
(7) 12. They Hold Baptismal Water (5) 14. Aromatic Substance Used in
Mothballs (7) 15. Pulse (5) 16. Men of the Church (7) 20. Three
Wheeler (5) 21. It's on a Church (7) 22. Part of the Foot (4) 23.
Jesus was Seen on the Road that went Here (6)
1. Old Indian Coins (5) 2. Sing
(5) 3. Aider (7) 4. Be Concerned (4) 6. Happenings (6) 8. Due for
Duty (7) 9. Tearers (7) 10. Make (7) 13. Place of Worship (6) 14.
Shellfish (7) 17. Things (5) 18. Part of a Flower (5) 19. And
Answers next
Answers to the June
2001 Crossword
Across: 1. Mark.
5. Coin. 7. Needier. 8. Knitting. 10. Aver. 12. Loop. 14. Disciple. 16.
Adherent. 17. Nave. 18. Lyre. 19. Penitent. 22. Christs. 23. Erne. 24.
King. Down. 1. Monk. 2. Knot. 3. Rekindle. 4. Sing. 5. Creation. 6.
Near. 9. Noonday. 11. Enliven. 13. Presence. 15. Satanist. 18. Luke. 19. Pure.
20. Task. 21. Trug.
written by Jane
Rice-Oxley |