Our congratulations go to Chris Culley and her team for the tremendous result at the church Fête back in June. The final amount is likely to be about £1,800, plus of course the profit from the earlier plant sale. However this was not achieved without a great deal of effort and problems for a few. The actual number of helpers on the day fell far short of what was needed and the few Organisers were inundated with bric-a brac, raffle prizes, Signage, etc for weeks before the event. Chris has decided to stand down as Fête and Bazaar organiser and the search starts for her successor. Any volunteers please apply to the Churchwardens. In the almost certainty that the above will not produce a rush of applicants, we are proposing a variation for next year's summer fund raising. Instead of holding a Fête, we will hold: a) A plant sale in the Spring (as this year) b) a Grand Raffle - with very generous prizes and a ticket price of £1 each. Hopefully this will give every member of St George's the opportunity to contribute, even though they may be away at critical times or unable to take part for any other reason. c) A Parish Barbecue sometime in June at which the Grand Raffle will be drawn. There will be no Summer Fête. The mathematics of the Grand Draw will be that there will be 2500 tickets for sale at £1 each. These will be on sale from 1st February until 1st June (5 months). £500 of this amount will go towards making the prizes really something special and will boost some of the better very generous gifts we receive from local organisations. The net profit should be £2,000. If anyone has any comments to make on this, please speak to a Churchwarden; but beware, remember we are looking for someone to take over the running of the Fête if the revised plan is rejected!! Tony Rice-Oxley |
page last updated 31 AUGUST 2001 |