The PCC met on Thursday 27th September 2001, when discussion again concentrated on finance. Father Malcolm was warmly thanked for his initiative of writing to everybody on the electoral roll urging them if at all possible to increase their rate of giving. This had elicited an encouraging early response which it was hoped would continue and increase. In the light of this, it was decided to shelve the TRIO project for the time being. However, the situation is still critical: we still have to meet a £5,000 quota shortfall before the end of this year; our quota for 2002 is likely to be increased by 7.5% to £41,807, despite efforts made by the diocese to economise; and, as was raised in the Fabric Committee report, there are two major items of expenditure to meet - a new Vestry door (c£900) and essential tree surgery in the churchyard (£795). On the plus side, a tax refund of £1719 has been received and Mrs Vera Copeland had left a legacy of £1,000. Faculty Application: Mr Rice-Oxley proposed the motion that we proceed with a faculty application in respect of an illuminated cross and a toilet. This was seconded and carried and Mr Rice-Oxley will complete and despatch the forms. Servers' Albs: The PCC warmly praised the efforts being made by the Servers to finance new albs and unanimously agreed to underwrite any shortfall up to £200. Summer Fête: There had been no response to the suggestion of replacing the Summer Fête with a Grand Raffle. It was therefore agreed to try this in 2002. The Pastoral Committee report focused mainly on the Taizé Evening, to take place during One World Week, on Tuesday 23rd October, and on the 2002 Stepping Out programme, in which a Family Fun Day is planned for Saturday 22nd June. The next meeting is on 15th November. Jaye Warren, P.C.C.Secretary |
page last updated 25 OCTOBER 2001 |