At the PCC meeting held on 27 September 2001 the Committee approved the draft budget for 2002. The figures show that St George's faces a projected deficit of £10,000 in 2002, which does not take account of the Illuminated Cross and Toilet projects. The response to the Vicar's letter, although initially encouraging, has produced a total weekly increase of only £33.77 and, whilst appreciation was expressed to those who had increased their giving, the overall rise is simply not enough to meet the church's needs. Further consideration must be given to the TRIO project in 2002. The PCC was asked to approve the setting up of a Loan Scheme whereby parishioners are invited to use liquid assets (money on deposit) to make loans to the church for one to two years at 3% interest, the principal and the interest to be repaid at the end of the term from monies realized at favourable times from the sale of stocks and shares owned by the church. The motion to approve this scheme was carried unanimously. The Pastoral Committee reported that the Taizé Evening, although not as well supported as it might have been, was enjoyed by all and another is planned, with some changes, for 17 October 2002. A combined Crib and Christingle Service will be held on Christmas Eve this year. Because of falling numbers, the Toddlers' Service will be discontinued after December. St George's main event in the Bishop's Stepping Out project for 2002 will be a Fun Day on 2 June. More on this later. The response to the question of whether St George's is a welcoming church was discussed. One suggestion, which will be acted on, is a revised Newcomer's Card, giving more information to the newcomer. Another suggestion was that the congregation should be allowed to talk before the service up to a certain point. This was not welcomed by all the PCC but Fr Malcolm may allow a trial period. It was agreed that the most important time to welcome newcomers was after the service. The next PCC meeting will be on 21 March 2002 and the APCM will be on 21 April.
Jaye Warren, PCC Secretary |
page last updated 7 DECEMBER 2001 |