My dear friends at St George's, There must be something wrong with me for I have had to wait until I am nearly 80 years of age before I have received an anonymous letter, or anything like one. Now I have received one from darkest Waterlooville. Dear correspondent, please be advised that Melchior, Caspar and Balthasar are names given in mediaeval tradition and emanating from Cologne in Germany. They were also called the three Kings of Cologne and their relics are said to be in the Don and their feast days are 2nd, 3rd and 4th January. As I said rather repeatedly in my sermon, people do not read their Bibles or if they do, they fail to understand clearly just what is written. It's a common fault and it earned a rebuke from our Saviour. People will go on with the best will in the world, perpetuating misconceptions, and get upset when the truth is pointed out to them. We really need new carols, both Christmas and Epiphany to correct or replace the 19th century ones. There's a task for someone. I hope it will not be too long before I visit St George's but maybe Father Ferrier may not want me upsetting some of his congregation again! In the meantime it is not me who has to enjoy a reflective New Year as my anonymous correspondent suggests, rather those who in the end must face up to the truth, however unpalatable. So I wish you all a very happy new year and if the author of the letter reads this please feel free to come and discuss these matters at any time. They are my lifetime's study. With all good wishes, Affectionately Ronald Gwyther |
page last updated 24 FEBRUARY 2002 |