The duly examined accounts for 2001 were approved by the PCC on March 21st but no time for a bit of a breather from treasurer's duties as the annual return of Parish Finance for January to December 2001 was due to be sent to the Diocese and there have been numerous bills to pay. How true to St George's are those comments in recent newspaper articles stating that more time seems to be spent on financial matters at Church meetings than on things spiritual. However it is vitally important that everyone who contributes knows how their money is being spent, so without wishing to bore you I shall recount recent financial transactions for you. And don't forget full copies of the 2001 accounts are still readily available from me on request - just ask. Interest/dividends received during the last five weeks amounted to £428, Sutton Seeds sales were £97.99, David Palmer's bulb sales have so far realised a magnificent £135 profit and the bookstall safe yielded £78.50. The Lent Group collected £12.50 for Biblelands and the Bishops Lent Appeal reached £188.54 including gift aid contributions. Donations in memory of Roslyn Edwards of £43 are being put towards the cost of a new Common Worship Altar Book for the Eucharist (£85) which will be suitably inscribed. £27 has already been given towards the St George's Day Gift Day (please complete the envelope if you are a taxpayer) but only £140 of tickets have so far been sold for the Grand Raffle. The Bible Reading Fellowship were sent £120.95 although the total cost is of course collected from those who subscribe to the notes during the year. The Baptism and Marriage booklets cost £158.38, the Easter advert in The News £17, a new security lamp £24, Father Theobald's recent fee £39 and quarterly photocopier charge of £106.96. On the administration side our annual Performing Rights Society licence cost £105.75, our Phonographic Performance Limited licence cost £52.88 and two more copies of the Charities Act and the PCC handbooks were purchased for the use of the Churchwardens at a cost of £11. The gas bill for heating the sacristy and vestry areas of the church cost £108.48 for the heaviest use quarter of the year. As the magazine goes to print we await the result of an application for a grant from the "Awards for All" Lottery towards the cost of running the Jubilee Fun Day on June 22nd. Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer to the PCC |
page last updated 16 MAY 2002 |