Several people have said to me recently: "I can't believe it will soon be Christmass and another New Year already!" However, we can't contradict the calendar, like it or not. We are already at the beginning of the third year of the new millennium and in terms of war and peace it would seem that little has been learnt. Some of the wars and strife in other parts of the world seem to drag on, especially in the Middle East and in particular for Christians, the Holy Land itself. There is so much suffering and many are homeless and world peace is proving to be very fragile. At Christmass we talk of Our Lord Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace. He said "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you." (S.John 14:27). The angels of Bethlehem spoke of "peace among men with whom he is well pleased" (S.Luke 2.14). We have to pray hard for peace in every situation, but the gospel is talking of a special kind of peace, the spiritual peace that comes from doing God's will. Have we as Christian people learnt more about this spiritual peace? It is a peace that we experience most of all in prayer. How wonderful prayer can be in the midst of all the strife and stress of daily life and how much we need to continue in prayer. If we are people of prayer, so much can be achieved. When the burdens of life become heavy, we should remember the words of Christ: "Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (S.Matthew 11.28). If the burdens get heavy in life and peace seems to be missing in us, God's peace will light up our way with the light of faith. At Christmass in particular we pray for peace in the world, in our countries, towns, families and in our hearts. Christmass can bring the peace of Christ to our world in spite of everything. Christmass peace will shine through. Let us try to make the year 2003, a year in which Christian people can shine with the light of Christ's peace and shed that peace into the hearts and lives of all whom we shall meet. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." (S.Matthew 5.9). May God bless you and your family with his peace this Christmass and in the coming New Year. Your priest and friend. MALCOLM FERRIER. |
page last updated 22 DECEMBER 2002 |