At our meeting on 21st November we were privileged to listen to a talk, with film, about the work of the charity EUNOIA, which works with the Orthodox Church in Romania to assist in schools and youth work. Fr Simon Rundell, who is an assistant priest at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Southsea was first asked to visit Romania by Fr Nicholas Stebbing when he was a student at Mirfield. He has since visited on other occasions and was able to give us an insight into the struggle in that country to overcome the poverty brought on during the time of President Ceausescu. The work seems to be completely Ecumenical, with Anglican, Roman Catholic and Orthodox priests working together to give spiritual and physical help to the people. One thing that impressed me very much when we were shown pictures of Fr Simon concelebrating the mass, was that part of the vestments which was used to isolate the priests hands during the mass. In the Church of England at the moment there is a move to persuade congregations (and priests) to do away with vestments as being an obstacle to worship. It seems to me that the use of vestments, with all the prayer that goes with the wearing of them, "sets apart" the priest during the Eucharist for his Holy Office. WINIFRED MANCZ |
page last updated 22 DECEMBER 2002 |