In response to many requests, the Social Committee laid on a Barn Dance on Saturday 19th October. Sadly the requests did not translate into numbers present and only about 25 adult church members were present. Luckily our Youth Club came with some of their friends which tended to fill the hall and a good evening was enjoyed by most. We had gone to the expense of hiring a caller, Ray Sargent, who provided a host of entertainment as well as a variety of dances. At the end of the evening the finances balanced out once the caller had been paid and a small donation made to the hall running costs, but the event was planned as a social event only and non profit making so no disappointment there. The attendance or lack of it does tend to raise the question of whether the adult congregation of St George's actually wants social occasions, and, if so, what events they would prefer. The Social Committee has tried a variety of events and experienced ever decreasing numbers. If you did not attend the barn dance, perhaps you would like to answer the above, either to a member of the committee, or through a letter to the Editor of St George's News. |
page last updated 22 DECEMBER 2002 |