Church financial business has been moving along a pace over the past few weeks and now the financial year has ended I shall have my head in the books busily preparing the 2002 accounts for scrutiny. The final profit figure for the Bazaar was £1,793.75 an increase in the provisional figures of £35. The 100 Club has generously donated £586.35 to church funds, the Silent Auction raised £598.21, November's interest was £118 and December's interest/dividends £655. Income from holly sales was £79, votive candles £78.82, and bulb/plant sales throughout the year reached £487 thanks to David Palmer's continuing efforts. East Hampshire Federation of Townswomens Guild held their carol concert at St George's and donated £50. Including gift aided contributions the collection at Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve totalled £134.44 and Christmas Day services £73. The envelopes and collection at the Christingle Service raised £136.03 for the Children's Society and together with the retiring collection during December of £163.12 and a £50 donation from the Wednesday coffee morning monies the grand total due came to £349.15. The PCC are grateful to those members of the congregation who have extended their loans for a final second year, one loan and interest of £390 was repaid although several interest payments have been redonated back to the church under the gift aid scheme. This leaves £12,000 plus interest to be repaid on 30 November 2003. The balance from the Jubilee Fun Day account amounting to £79.69 has been transferred to the church account and with an additional donation the cost of four chairs and a table, and a new blue carpet all for the childrens' corner has been funded at no cost to the PCC. The quarterly photocopier charge was £77.03 - please remember you can copy documents at 4p per copy, a very competitive rate, and contribute to church funds at the same time - see me, Bill Hutchings or the churchwardens to arrange. A new floor polisher has been purchased at a cost of £342.50 (donations to date of £156 received), Reverend Gwyther's fees £49 and wafers £21.90. The retiring collection for the Church of England Pensions Board during November realised £103.03 and collection boxes contained £10 for the Church Mission Society and £68.20 for the Leprosy Mission. A part payment for the new exterior cross (the lighting as yet to be installed) of £1,857.68 has been sent to the makers and installers Harrison Industrial Ltd in Fratton. Already 2003 bills, for the Pompey Chimes £80, Havant Borough Council Lottery Licence £17.50, affiliation to the Royal School of Church Music £66, and annual church insurance of £1140.45 have been met even though the new year is only just over a week old as this article is written. Inevitably my articles are full of facts and figures, donations given and money spent but it is important to remember those of you who provide items, yet never seek reimbursement. Furthermore many of you freely give of your time and talents to assist with the running of the church and its associated organisations, a vital if immeasurable contribution. A happy, peaceful and healthy new year to you all. Linda Wainwright |
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