Accounts for the last few weeks show expenditure well in excess of income and £6,000 has been withdrawn from deposit to meet the shortfall. Illuminating the external cross on the tower cost £1,478, the toilet in the vestry £5,862 and architects fees £902, thus concluding these major projects at long last. A generous donation of £500 towards illuminating the cross given under the gift aid scheme grew to £641 with the reclaimable tax, interest and dividends totalled £443, £300 was received from the Social Committee's Friday coffee mornings profit and magazine advertising has reached nearly £400 so far this year. A further £345 has been received from ongoing bulb sales in particular the very successful event prior to Mothering Sunday. John Symonds book about St George's has brought in an additional £30 in sales recently and the Bishop's Lent Appeal stands at £163.70. Other minor expenditure included raffle tickets for the Summer Fête on June 21st, £40, Easter Services advertisement in The News, £17.50 and photocopier charge £77.03. LINDA WAINWRIGHT |
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