At the PCC meeting on 22nd May the Chairman welcomed the three new members, Lesley and Richard Handy and Rosemary Monk. One important matter carried over from the last meeting was the need to appoint an Independent Examiner for the annual accounts. We have been very fortunate in recent years to have found our Independent Examiner within the congregation, and this would be again the ideal solution. Are you, or do you know, an accountant (working or retired) who could take on this important task. It normally takes one or two weeks in February. If you can help or would like to know more, please contact the Treasurer. A delay in the arrival of the tax rebate for the first quarter has left the Treasurer with a cashflow problem which means that she is unable to pay May's quota in full on time. The St George's Day gift day raised over £900 (£100 up on last year) but we do need a very successful Summer Fête! The Vicarage Garden Party, organised by the Pastoral Committee, will be held on Saturday 19th July from to All members of the congregation are invited both to attend and, if they wish, to contribute food or wine. Father Malcolm suggested that during the interregnum, while the two Sunday Eucharists and the Wednesday Eucharist would remain, the less well attended Thursday, Friday and Saturday Eucharists would have to lapse. As it would probably not be possible to hold a weekly Evensong, it was agreed to hold a monthly service, led by Eric Lee and The Church Singers. It was stressed that these would be temporary arrangements, and the hope and intention would be to restore all the services when the new Vicar is appointed. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd July at for The full minutes are displayed at the back of the church. JAYE WARREN |
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