1. Which is the New Testament book? Isaiah / Galatians / Judges 2. Which bible book never mentions God? Ruth / Esther / Romans 3. A doctor wrote which New Testament book? Luke / John / Philemon 4. Who is the most famous Psalm writer? Korah / Solomon / David 5. Which book comes before Revelation? James / John / Jude 6. Which is not a bible book? Ephesians / Nicolaitans / Philippians 7. Which book comes after Exodus? Leviticus / Numbers / Joshua 8. Add a letter to the end, make a bible book. Heb / Ezr / Jon 9. The last Old Testament book. Micah / Nahum / Malachi 10. Which book starts 'In the beginning'? Matthew / Genesis / Romans 11. Pick the prophet? Jeremiah / Job / Joshua 12. Which is the odd one out? Matthew / Psalms / Luke 13. Wise man who wrote book of Proverbs. Moses / Samuel / Solomon 14. Which book does not mention the birth of Jesus? Matthew / Mark / Luke 15. Which book tells of Paul's missionary journeys? Romans / Acts / Ephesians 16. Which New Testament book was written in Patmos? Revelation / Hebrews / Titus 17. In which gospel is the raising of Lazarus? Mark / Luke / John 18. Prophet who wrote Old Testament book? Joel / Moses / Joshua |
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