A quick update on the final transactions for 2003 as this is my busiest time of the year putting together all the facts and figures for the financial year ending 31st December. The Bazaar on 6th December raised a final sum of £1,784.69; the tax refund for July, August and September from the Gift Aid Scheme amounted to £1,729.25 and the 100 Club donated £577.17 to general church funds. Collections were as follows: Nine Lessons and Carols £68.32; Midnight Mass £80.22 and Christmas Day services £79.02. Dividends and interest for December realised £609, votive candle sales £55, Bookstall safe £46, Smartie Tubes in aid of church grounds £59 and on-going bulb sales £175. The retiring collection for the Church of England Pensions Board during November reached £124.15 and the Children's Society during December £110.79 plus a donation of £50 from the Wednesday coffee morning funds. The Crib and Christingle service raised a further £142.46 for the Children's Society. Final totals of £56.81 went to the Leprosy Mission and £260.75 to the Sargent Cancer Fund for Children, the latter sum thanks to the splendid efforts of our Sunday School and Youth Club members. Investments with the CBF amounting to a total of £11,765.09 were realised at the end of November enabling £7,000 worth of loans plus interest of £360 to be reimbursed and the Parish Share (Quota) to be paid off in full for the year in early December. Other miscellaneous expenditure included £127 spent on time clocks for church heating controls, organ tune £102.23, photocopier charges for the quarter £160.42, copier paper £97.21, CCL words only reproduction licence £88, wafers £23.50 and an advertisement for Christmas services in The News £18. Copies of the Pompey Chimes for 2004 have been prepaid at a cost of £120 and our lottery licence for 2004 renewed at a cost of £17.50. Linda Wainwright |
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