The PCC met on 15th January and heard the good news that a new Priest for St George's had been appointed. The formal announcement cannot be made until three months before the date of induction and this date is dictated by the Bishop's diary. As it seems likely that the induction will take place in May, it is unlikely that the announcement will be made before the end of February. (With any luck, we will all have heard by the time this is published). The Parish Representatives, Richard Spurgeon and Dick Handy, expressed their delight with the appointment. Lynn Winter stands down as Churchwarden in March. She has done a magnificent job throughout her four years, particularly during these months of interregnum, and we owe her an enormous debt of gratitude. Nomination forms for a new Churchwarden are at the back of church. The next PCC meeting will be held on Thursday 4th March 2004 at and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 28th March at Jaye Warren IT HAS SINCE BEEN ANNOUNCED THAT FR MIKE SHEFFIELD HAS BEEN APPOINTED AS THE NEW PRIEST FOR ST GEORGE'S. |
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