The accounts for 2003 have been duly examined by Feri Eshraghi of Morris Palmer, Chartered Accountants and subsequently approved by the PCC at the meeting on March 4th. The accounts will be for discussion only at the APCM on March 28th, the due date for publication of this magazine. My grateful thanks are due to Feri and his staff for acting as Independent Examiner at no charge to the Parish. Since my last article the tax rebate for the last quarter of 2003 totalling £1,711.38 has been received from the Inland Revenue. The church has also received a bequest of £500 for general funds from the estate of the late Arthur George Todd who died on September 16th, 2003 whom some of you may remember. Further bulb sales totalled £190 and votive candle sales £100.73. The retiring collections for St Mary Axim Ghana during February amounted to £141.56. The Parish Share (Quota) due every month is now £3,700 and sequestration expenses continue to be met each month by the PCC and then subsequently reclaimed a month in arrears from the Diocese. Communion wafers cost £23.50, annual subscription to the Bible Reading Fellowship £160.65 (which subscribers will pay for) and removal of the tree by the Church Hall £1,128. Linda Wainwright |
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