The Easter Vestry meeting and Annual Parochial Church meeting were held on Sunday 28th March 2004 in the Church Hall. Father Ray Chapman, representing the Rural Dean, was in the Chair. There having been no nominations for the post of Churchwarden vacated by Lynn Winter, Tony Rice-Oxley volunteered (with some reluctance, having stood down from the office as recently as 2002) and his nomination was proposed, seconded and carried enthusiastically. Adina Burton and Jane Cook were elected to the PCC, replacing June Bradley and Rosa Miller. All those standing down were warmly thanked. A list of the PCC members 2004/5 is at the back of church. Eight new people had been elected onto the electoral roll, including five young members of the church. The number on roll stands at 161. All existing Sidespersons were re-elected for a further year. The Treasurer expressed gratitude to Dr Feri Eshraghi of Morris Palmer, Chartered Accountants, for examining the church's accounts for 2003 and it was agreed that he would be asked to continue as Independent Examiner for 2004. The Treasurer pointed out that Planned Giving at St George's barely covers 50% of the expenses and that, once the interregnum is over, a stewardship campaign will be essential. Mr Rice-Oxley reminded the meeting of an article he had written for the magazine showing St George's to be the lowest in a list of local churches and their giving: instead of the £6.50 each person should be offering, the figure at St George's is £4.50. In drawing to a close what he described as a "wonderful AGM", Father Ray complimented the people of St George's and thanked all who had attended. The new PCC met on 1st April with Richard Spurgeon in the Chair and reappointed the Secretary and the Treasurer for a further year. Mr Spurgeon, acknowledging that both wished to stand down at the APCM 2005, will endeavour to find successors. In order that our new incumbent, Father Mike Sheffield, will be able to work from church for much of the time (as is his wish), enabling the church to be open for longer periods, Mr Spurgeon is to investigate the installation of a telephone line at the rear of the church. As six members of the PCC were unable to attend the meeting, full discussion of the Kairos project and the arrangements for the weekend of Father Mike's installation were deferred to the next meeting, which will be held on Thursday 6th May 2004 at 7.30 pm. Copies of the full minutes are displayed at the back of church. Jaye Warren, |
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