Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously towards the Induction costs by way of food and wine for the reception as well as financial donations (including the gift aid due) totalling £766.25. The splendid floral decorations for the service on July 16th cost £135 and the retiring collection of £259.16 was divided equally between the Bishop's Discretionary Fund and Church expenses - the letter of thanks from Bishop Kenneth is displayed on the finance notice board situated in the church porch. Now the Interregnum is over the final reimbursement payments have been received from the Diocese for June and July (£223.78 and £134.30 respectively), thus closing the sequestration account. Our tax refund for the first quarter of the year was £1,923.32, so please continue to gift aid as much as possible to the church (not forgetting charity collections - just endorse a pink envelope with the charity name), and interest / dividends for the half year added £711.76 to church funds. One third of the cost of installing a burglar alarm at the new vicarage, £256.87, has been met and a petrol strimmer purchased for £80. The retiring collection during July raised £111.04 for the Mission to Seafarers, and the Wednesday coffee morning monies for charity have sponsored a puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind (£90) and supported the SPCK (The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge) appeal for Christian worship books abroad so Christians can worship in their own language (£50). The church bookstall has yielded £49.93 and sponsorship for the Parish Ramble has so far reached £187.13 including gift aid, plus raffle profit of £51.50 and food profit of £32.73 at the Barbecue after Evensong at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park on July 11th. A total of £559.83 was sent for the Sudan Emergency Appeal via Christian Aid. A piece of good news to finish with, the provisional figure for the Parish Share (formerly Quota) for 2005 shows a decrease of £724 giving a figure of £44,081. This decrease is mainly due to the fact that the socio economic score from the 2001 census now applies to calculations at St George's. Linda Wainwright |
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