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Welcome to the Autumn 2006 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

News about St George's News

Monthly publication of the magazine is becoming increasingly difficult; we lack sufficient material, and help with the production and sales. Consequently, the magazine committee has decided that St George's News will be published every other month with extended time for production. At the same time we plan in the new year to update the format and increase the number of pages to make the magazine even more informative and interesting.

The price of the magazine will be 35p or £2 annually, compared to £3 annually at present.

This is an opportunity for change and we are keen to have your views and feedback on any ideas you may have for improving your church magazine.

Please pass your ideas on to John Johnson or Tony Rice-Oxley, or email to

The new publication schedule is as below:

New Year issue: deadline: 1st December publication date: 1st January
Easter issue: deadline: 1st February publication date: 1st March
Festival issue: deadline: 1st April publication date: 1st May
Summer issue: deadline: 1st June publication date: 1st July
Autumn issue: deadline: 1st August publication date: 1st September
Christmas issue: deadline: 1st October publication date: 1st November

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page last updated 21 September 2006