Welcome to the web site for St George’s Church and its Parish magazine, St George’s News.
This is the world’s longest running Parish Magazine on the Internet - we were the first parish magazine on the web, our On-Line edition started in February 1996. You will find many interesting articles here on a wide variety of subjects. If you want a copy of the printed version, you can subscribe HERE.
St George’s is open daily for private prayer. During the week, the Church is open from 9.30am until 3pm. (mornings only during school holidays).
You are welcome to attend our services. The mid-week Eucharist is at 10am on Wednesdays. Sunday services are 8am and 10am. Sunday School and Baby & Toddler Group start at 9.45am Sundays.
To contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer email safeguarding@stgeorges.church
More information HERE
St George’s Church Waterlooville adopts and follows the House of Bishop’s ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ policy. For more detailed information click HERE
Friday 28th March
Funeral, Gillian Griffiths. Oaks Crematorium, 2.30pm
Sunday 30th March
Mothering Sunday (4th Sunday in Lent)
Said Eucharist [Fr Charles], 8am
Sunday School 9.45am
Family Eucharist [Revd Sandra] 10am
Wednesday 2nd April
Said Eucharist [Fr Charles], 10am followed by coffee in the hall
Lent Lunch in the hall at 12noon
Saturday 5th April
Memorial Service, Gillian Spurgeon, 12 noon
Sunday 6th April
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Said Eucharist [Fr Charles], 8am
Sunday School 9.45am
Family Eucharist [Fr Charles] 10am
Wednesday 9th April
Said Eucharist [Revd Sandra], 10am followed by coffee in the hall
St George’s Prayer Group, 11am
Lent Lunch in the hall at 12noon
Sunday 13th April
Palm Sunday
Said Eucharist [Fr Charles], 8am
Sunday School 9.45am
Palm Sunday Procession, 9.45am (from The Heroes)
Family Eucharist [Revd Sandra] upon arrival of the Procession
APCM after the Eucharist, followed by Parish Lunch approx 12 noon
To download the APCM report as a PDF file click HERE
Wednesday 16th April
Said Eucharist {Fr Charles], 10am followed by coffee in the hall
Thursday 17thApril
Sung Masss and Washing of Feet (Revd Sandra), 7.30pm
Friday 18th April
Veneration of the Cross [Revd Sandra], 2pm
Saturday 19th April
Holy Fire [Fr Tyrone], 7.30pm
Sunday 20th April
Easter Day
Said Eucharist [Fr Charles], 8am | Family Eucharist [Revd Sandra] 10am
Tuesday 1st April
Parent & Toddlers Group, hall, 10am
Mothers’ Union. Communion & tea. Christ Church Portsdown, 2p
Knit & Natter Group, hall, 2pm
Thursday 3rd April
St George’s Market, hall, 9.30am - 11.30am
Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th, Saturday 5th April
Horndean Amateur Theatre: Present Laughter by Noel Coward
Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 6th April
Walsingham Cell Cream Tea, St Faith’s Havant, 3pm
Saturday 12th April
Waterlooville Spring Market, Waterlooville Precinct, 10am - 4pm
Monday 14th April
Friendship Group, hall, 10am
Thursday 24th April
Waterlooville Cinema. “Conclave”. Hall, doors open 7pm,
Screening starts 7.30pm. £6 on the door.