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St George’s Church, Waterlooville: News and Announcements


Calendar Magazine Bulletin Mailing list Christenings Church Hall Cinema Donations Safeguarding Contact us

You are welcome to attend our services.
 The Church is open to visitors.
Sunday services at 8am and 10am. Also Wednesday 10am.

13th April 2023
Carbon Footprint Calculator

As part of the Eco Church award which we are working towards, St George’s is inviting you to use a Carbon footprint calculator to see what your impact is on the environment and to give suggestions to reduce it. These are a few we’ve found, you may like to use a different one. Do let us know how you get on! We don’t need to know the results, but we’d be delighted to hear from those who have engaged with this.

Many thanks in advance
The Eco Church Group.

 This one is free, secure and gives results without the need to give your email address. Quite detailed info needed though.


A nice, quick, easy calculator but it needs an email address to get the results and you effectively sign up for newsletters but can unsubscribe at any point.


Secure, comprehensive, asks you for an email address if you want to but you get a summarised report anyway. Offers good ways to reduce your carbon footprint which are personalised to your answers. This is the best in our opinion!



Service sheet for Lent: CLICK HERE
Sunday Bulletin for Sunday 23rd March - CLICK HERE
(we are no longer posting the Reading Sheet on the website)                                                                                               

Scams and Tricksters - We have been warned by the Diocese that Churches and their congregations are being targeted by fraudsters, so please be alert. The latest scam is an email, purportedly from the Vicar or some other trusted Church Official, asking the recipient to contribute to a secret and discreet gift collection for a church member by purchasing Amazon Vouchers, and sending the voucher codes in reply.

We will never make such a request. Any church fundraising activity will have appeared in the Sunday Bulletin, you can view both current and past copies on the church website HERE.

There are people who have lost huge sums of money by being scammed by someone purporting to be the Police, or from a Bank, saying perhaps that an account has been compromised and persuading the withdrawal of cash or transfer of funds to another account. Never withdraw cash or transfer money on instructions of any ‘Officials’ or your Bank. They will be fraudsters who are persuasive and creating a sense of urgency. Remember you have done nothing to cause an account to be comprised, so it is the Bank’s problem not yours! So stop, allow time for some calm thought, and before doing anything contact us for advice.

You may be told a parcel has been undelivered, and your credit card is required to pay a fee for redelivery. This is a scam (even if you are expecting a parcel).

There is a text/email purporting from Government that you could receive saying you qualify for a heating allowance with a link to complete an application form. This is a scam. The application will ask for information about you which will then be used to defraud you.

Never expose bank or credit card details in response to an email or on the telephone to anyone who has called you, and be suspicious if they suggest you call back - you can still get caught out. Under no circumstances ever give your PIN number to anyone else - even to your bank. Never open an email attachment from an unexpected, suspicious or unknown source.

If in any doubt forward emails, or describe and detail any other approaches (e.g., by telephone/text) to: webmaster@stgeorges.church  and we will advise if it is a scam. Do this before doing anything else!

Join the St George’s Church Waterlooville Mailing List - HERE

St George’s YouTube Channel - HERE

‘At Home Resources’ page: all you need, in one place  - HERE

Download & Print the Mission Action Plan: Growing a Healthy Church - HERE

View the latest APCM report - HERE

19th February 2025
Fr Colin

Please keep Father Colin in your prayers. He has been readmitted to Southampton Hospital Neuro Unit and faces further urgent surgery for blood on the brain.

Father Charles and Patricia Byrne had a most traumatic day on Tuesday, as Colin was taken poorly while they were kindly taking him for his convalescence at Hilfield Friary Dorchester.

May the Holy Spirit sustain and comfort all of us in these difficult times.

Thank you.


15th February 2025
Gillian Spurgeon

Many of you will know Gillian Spurgeon, Richard's aunt, who has been a regular at the St Georges communion service for around 8 years since moving to Waterlooville from Kent.

Gill had a big stroke on Tuesday 4th. Fortunately one of her care visitors was with her and Gill got to QA hospital and the best treatment very quickly.

The family have been able to spend some quality time with Gill since. Father Charles, who kindly visited and prayed with her. Gill was also able to have visits from both therapy dogs and Crumble - this was a joy for her.

Sadly, Gill passed away peacefully at about 1 o'clock this morning Saturday 15th Feb.

Thank you for the love and care you have shown Gill and family.

Please continue to pray for us.

3rd February 2025
Fr Colin

Fr Colin has been transferred to Southampton General Hospital and is in the care of the specialist neuro surgeons there.

He is likely to have a significant operation today.

Please hold him and his family (especially sister Jackie, and niece Lily, who we have welcomed at St George's) in your prayers.

The Area Dean, Arch Deacon and Bishop have been notified.

We pray that our community can display the love and care that is needed today and always.

Thank you.


29th January 2025
Janet Brewer

I am very sorry to have to report that Janet Brewer sadly died at lunchtime today.

She was of course a much-loved member of our church. Please keep Malcolm, Sarah and the family in your prayers today.

May Janet rest in peace and rise in glory.

Every blessing,
Chris Gadd

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The Website for St George’s Church Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

If you are thinking of coming to a church service and want to know more about us, please click here