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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2021 issue

PCC Report

Following the APCM on 25th April, the PCC met for the first time on 18th May. New PCC Committees were formed, as follows:

Fabric & Finance & Quinquennial:

Chris Gadd (Chair), Andy Jackson, Malcolm Brewer, Sara Pask, Tony Rice-Oxley, Ceri Ward.


Anne Morgan (Chair), Patricia Byrne, Marian Haughton, Lynne McNeill, Linda Smith, Candy Williams, Lynn Winter.


Tony Rice-Oxley (Chair), Malcolm Brewer, Jane Cook, Sue Hodgens, Ceri Ward. (To be Co-Opted - Ian Gibson, Fiona Ross - and possibly some others).

Mission & Stewardship:

Fr Colin (Chair), Fr Ray (ex officio), Patricia Byrne, Anne Morgan, Mo Peters, Lynn Winter.

Social & Fundraising:

Patricia Byrne, Sue Hodgens. Further members to be recruited, including a Chair.

Churchwardens are able to attend all Committees. The Committees will be able to Co-Opt further members from within or from outside the PCC.

The PCC will meet every 2 months, with the Committees meeting beforehand and reporting to the PCC meetings.

The APCM for next year is on Sunday 10th April 2022.

Marriage regulations
These changed on 4th May. It is now all digitalised. The form is now downloaded from the internet with all the details of the couple on it and that is all they sign. The Priest is no longer the registrar, the form is sent to the Registrar who sends the certificates to the couple.

When things get back to normal we will be facing a shortage of servers - anyone interested in joining the Servers team, please contact Anne Morgan.

Charity Collections
The Bishop’s Lent Appeal raised £104.49, and “Four Paws” raised £123.52.