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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Autumn 2024 issue

Waterlooville regeneration

A public meeting took place on 10th July. The Regeneration Team gave a presentation on the latest progress of the Waterlooville Town Centre Masterplan and related initiatives.

Successful applicants for funding through the Waterlooville Vacant Shop Scheme were invited to introduce themselves and their business to the group. These included:

- Babychinos – a play café for children

- Barbers Beauty Paws Dog Grooming

- The Exchange – an all-day venue for entertainment

- Mini Town – a role-play café for children

The following points were raised in a Question and Answer session:

- The projected timescales for further consultation on the Waterlooville Town Centre SPD were the end of 2024 – attendees were informed that this was a complex procedure set by planning legislation and would therefore be subject to these requirements.

- A block naming competition for the refurbished units in Wellington Way would be conducted via HBC social media channels.

- Concept designs for a pocket park in Waterlooville Town Centre were being considered and would be tested with the public prior to any implementation. Any conflicts for space between the pocket park and a revamped market provision would be taken into consideration through the design.

- A business-led place making board would be set up for Waterlooville with the remit of co-ordinating and leading on town centre initiatives. There may be opportunities for volunteers to support the work of the Board.

- Contact had been established with the MP for Fareham and Waterlooville.

- The Regeneration Team had conducted a series of engagement exercises with young people, as they recognised the value of input from this audience. These sessions included working with local schools to inform the design of the Masterplan.

- For businesses interested in locating in Waterlooville, the Vacant Shop Scheme had closed but the team were able to offer advice and support. There may also be opportunities to link in with the pop-up shop concept and these businesses were encouraged to contact the Regeneration Team.

- There may be opportunities for social enterprises in Waterlooville. Options around this would need to be investigated.

- There was an ambition to bring specialist markets such as Farmer’s Markets to Waterlooville that the team are working on.

- Attendees were encouraged to indicate any interest in contributing towards a community garden in Waterlooville via the sign-in sheets. It was recognised that any community planting needs to be kept up-to-date with seasons.

The Regeneration Team stated that a community meeting will take place in the next six months once there is a substantive update on actions to provide.