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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Autumn 2024 issue

Mothers’ Union Notes

Mary Sumner Day Service, 9th August

On a warm summer’s afternoon we gathered at Holy Trinity Church, Blendworth, for our annual Havant and Portsmouth Deaneries Mary Sumner Day Service which was led by Associate Priest Revd Joy Windsor.

The theme of our service was “Faith in Action” and included hymns, prayers and readings taken from the letter of St Paul to the Philippians and the Gospel of St Matthew.

In her address Revd Joy talked a little about her experience of being in Rwanda and also detailed some of the many ways Mothers’ Union supports and benefits the lives of others.

During the service, a new member, Hilary Illston, was enrolled.

Norma and Diana had a stall selling MU cards and merchandise, including this year’s selection of Christmas cards, although the 2025 diaries will not be available until later.

The two tea ladies were kept so busy extra mugs needed to be sent for!

Treasurer, Val Griffiths, announced that the collection held part way through the service had raised £184.47 for A.F.I.A. (the MU “Away From It All” holiday scheme).

It was a beautiful service and a most enjoyable afternoon.

MU Wave of Prayer

A small group of us gathered in Christ Church, Portsdown on Sunday 16th June for the Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer, a short service which includes prayers for our Wave of Prayer links across the world. This year we prayed especially for Bukavu in the Congo, Nyahururu in Kenya, Gboko in Nigeria and New Guinea Islands in Papua New Guinea as well as for Portsmouth here at home.

September meeting

Our meeting on Tuesday 3rd September was a service of Holy Communion held in Christ Church, Portsdown.

This was led by Revd Janette Smith, Vicar of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Crookhorn and Curate at St John’s Purbrook and Christ Church.

Afterwards we enjoyed tea and biscuits and Norma had brought a selection of MU Cards for sale.