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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Autumn 2024 issue

St George’s Dragons

For those that are unaware, the Dragons are the church’s youth group.

The Dragons grew out of a group that Chris and Rev Liz invited to the Diocesan “High Tide” events (a meeting of young people from across the Diocese to engage in food, games, and worship).

We thought we might replicate that at St George’s and so once a month our small team of young people met at Chris or Rev Liz’s house for an evening that followed a similar theme to High Tide.

Our group has now grown substantially and is too big to meet now at home so we now gather at the church hall. We also all continue to go to High Tide.

Our Dragons evenings comprise food (always good with young people!), games, some craft activity of some sort based around a religious theme, and worship music.

Our leadership team is now made up of Chris, Andrea Thomas, Amber Gadd, and Sarah Brewer.

This May we returned for the second time to the Big Church Day Out.

Big Church is a Christian Festival that takes place at the Wiston Estate in West Sussex over a three-day weekend. Tens of thousands of Christians go to this great festival from all over the world. We attended on the Sunday this year.

As a sign of our growth, last year there were 3 of us that attended. This year there were 18. We hope to grow this to 30 next year.

Big Church is a fabulous day out for our young people meeting with fellow Christians to enjoy worship music and many other stalls  around the estate. We could only make it this year with the help of the PCC who we are very grateful to for funding the ticket cost. We are now fundraising like mad for the tickets for next year. We will be organising lots of Dragons fundraising events to not only go to Big Church but to support our monthly meetings and to grow in number. You can see from the pictures what a great day we all had.

Dragons is not only the future but it is the present of our church. If you would like to help us financially or in any other way please do speak to one of the leaders.