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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

The New St George’s, 1970 - 2010

Christmas  2022 & New Year issue

Chapter 8  2008 - 2009

In 2008 a new curate was appointed. The Rev Timon Singh arrived from Oxford accompanied by his wife Noreen and three children. Soon afterwards he was ordained deacon in Portsmouth Cathedral.

The regular summer fete  raised over £3000 and over 600 draw tickets were sold. Tony Rice-Oxley founded the St Georges Film Club and he arranged for Youth Club members to undertake a trip to H.M.S. Lancaster in Portsmouth harbour. The youth club also enjoyed a week on the Midlands canals.

About 20 members of the Tweenies Club went on a week-end Retreat to the Convent of the Sisters in East Cowes. In August the Bishop of Sekondi in Ghana, who was attending the Lambeth Conference, came and preached at the Sunday service. Finally in October a Parish Weekend was held in Ostend which included visits to Bruges and Brussels.

The stage presentation this year was ‘An Irresistible Review’ produced and directed by Jane Rice-Oxley; many members of the congregation put on 25 very different sketches often with singing and music accompaniment.

Richard Spurgeon replaced Tony Rice-Oxley as Churchwarden joining Margaret Symonds who was the standing warden.

In the autumn the church began a major Time and Talents audit. People were asked to register just what church activities and jobs they could be involved in and also examine their contributions carefully.  Subjects included Church watch, Refreshments, Choir, Gardening, Church cleaning and Pastoral care.

2009 saw the church Quota increase yet again to £49,541 which represented a great challenge to the Church Treasurer. Fund Raising events included a Burns Night Supper in January and an International Gourmet Evening in March.

The regular St George’s Production this year was Eurovision Revisited  produced by Lynda Sheffield. Yet again a large number of the congregation gathered to produce a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

The Music Festival attracted 3500 people and in July a Songs of Praise evening in the church was well attended.

At the end of October Jane Rice-Oxley and a band of volunteers organised a very successful Charity Shop over a 10 day period which raised £4,000 for church funds.

Sadly the summer was overshadowed by the death from cancer of Sue Palmer a long term choir member and leader of the St Georges Church Band. This came as a great shock to all  the congregation. Don Lloyd, an ex Royal Marines bandmaster, agreed to take over leadership of the band assisted by Julia Spurgeon another choir member.

John Symonds