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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2023 issue

Wound Healing

Most people are keen to do everything they can to get back to normal after injury. They often ask us what they can do, to help their skin heal faster.


Studies have shown that people with wounds need a lot more protein in their diet for healing. Your protein needs can triple with a particularly nasty wound – as it provides the amino acids necessary for wound healing. Achieving the recommended protein intake for wound healing, can be extremely challenging, especially if you don’t like to eat meat at every meal or are vegetarian. Simple ‘swaps’ our experienced wound care nurses suggest are eggs with your morning toast, high protein yoghurts instead of standard ones, cereal swaps  ( eg weetabix ‘protein’ for weetabix), protein pasta, high protein snack bars etc.

Vitamins and antioxidants in fresh fruit and vegetables also help improve wound healing.

You should aim to maintain your weight whilst healing, and then if you need to lose weight to start this again when you have healed.


Alcohol exposure significantly reduces the rate of skin repair. High alcohol use doubles the risk of wound infections. We recommend cutting down alcohol to an occasional drink, and no more than 2 drinks on any one occasion.


Exercise reduces inflammation, and maintains wellbeing. Keeping on with physical activity is an important part of keeping well. By using dressings and medical adhesives that stay secure longer and waterproofed from sweat or water, it is possible to exercise without dressings falling off. We suggest you schedule your wound dressing appointment for after exercise.

For information about a free of charge wound care nursing service, see the advertisement

Dr Daphne Hazell, GP