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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2023 issue

Book Corner

Summer Holiday time fast approaches and so I have included a couple of fiction books with a Christian ethos.

Into The Heart Of Romans:  a Deep Dive into Paul’s Greatest Letter by Tom  Wright

In this fresh look at Romans, Tom Wright takes a deep dive into Paul’s greatest letter and invites you to explore with him the priceless treasures that lie beneath the surface. With a special focus on Romans 11, Wright leads you on an eye-opening journey, clearly explaining the many ways in which Paul throws light on everything else revealed in scripture – from God’s promises to Abraham in Genesis to the visions of John in Revelation. If you only have time to read one book on Paul this year, you can do no better than this brilliant study.  It will plunge you deep into the heart of Paul’s thought and lift you out again – freshly illuminated, spiritually invigorated, and eternally thankful for all that God has done in Christ.  

REF 6228 (SPCK)  RRP £12.99 ASLAN  £10.99

Why Less Means More: Making Space for What Matters More by Cathy Madavan

Do you feel frazzled and Frantic? Fearful you haven’t got enough? In a world obsessed with more, where potential is maximised and busyness is glorified, another reality also exists; we all have limits – and many of us are living at the edge of them. Why Less Means More shows you how saying no to one thing might mean saying yes to something far better. Cathy Madavan, accomplished author and speaker, invites you to leave your fear and franticness behind and discover more space, simplicity and the truth that less really can lead to more.

REF 6042  (SPCK) RRP £10.99 ASLAN  £8.99

Come & See:  The Journey of Knowing God Through Scripture by Jonathan Pennington

The Bible invites us to know God and have eternal life. That means reading, understanding and applying Scripture the most important journey we will ever take.  Jonathan Pennington helps readers understand what it means to know God from the Bible and details three effective approaches to interpreting Scripture.  Using the engaging analogy of a road trip, he introduces three friends who each have distinct, clear ways of navigating the Bible: informational, theological and transformational, Pennington gives detailed advice for employing all three reading modes, equipping readers to gain wisdom and know God better.

REF 5962 (CROSSWAY) RRP £14.99 ASLAN    £12.74

The Company Of Heaven by Catherine Fox (Contemporary Fiction)

Valiantly written in real time in the midst of the pandemic, this entertaining book captures the difficulties of 2021 with heart, humour and insight. Perfect for Lindchester fans, it’s also the ideal novel for anyone seeking comfort and a way of understanding all that has happened. In The Company Of Heaven, we re-join our Lindchester friends on Easter Monday 2021, just as the third lockdown in our Covid winter of discontent draws to a close.  The new paschal candles have been lit. The endless snowy ghastliness of January, February and March are behind us now.  Shake out your wings and fly once more across the Diocese of Lindfordshire, as we launch out on Pandemic, Part 11.

REF 6776 (SPCK) RRP £10.99 ASLAN £9.49

Remember Me by Tracie Peterson (Romance)

Addie Bryant is haunted by her past of heartbreak and betrayal. After her beau, Isaac Hanson, left the Yukon, she made a vow to wait for him. When she is sold to a brothel owner after the death of her father, Addie manages to escape with the hope that she can forever hide her past and the belief that she will never have the future she has always dreamed of. Years later, Addie has found peace in her new life as a photographer, training Camera Girls to operate and sell the Brownie camera. But during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo in Seattle, Addie is reunited with Isaac. And when her past catches up with her, Addie must decide whether to run or to stay and face her wounds in order to embrace her life, her future, and her hope in God.  

REF 6781 (BETHANY HOUSE)  RRP £9.99 ASLAN £8.49

All choices taken from the May / June 2023 Edition of Aslan Christian Books.  To order visit aslanchristianbooks.com or phone 0330 0272828.

Happy summer reading everyone and safe holiday.

Lynn Winter