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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Looking back on 100 years of worship

Post-war to the Cuban crisis

The years of war we thought were over but really there was a war going on somewhere in the world, we tried to ignore it but hatred has its seed everywhere under the surface of peace. Russia had become a great Communistic State and one of the greatest evils of the time was Communism. Stalin had complete control over countries to the East of Berlin which he had as his spoils of war whilst Britain and America shared the rest of Europe. France got rid of her Vichy Government and de Gaulle came back to France. Previous monarchs returned to their thrones from which they had been removed during the war, except to the countries under Stalin. Spain had been a neutral country after her own revolution and she kept her own Dictator, Franco.

Now Communism ruled in many countries and infiltrated to places far from Russia. Stalin built a wall across the East of Berlin to stop any refugees fleeing from his rule to the West, so now nobody could get in or out of the West so Germany was now a divided country.

Ruby Bullock

Extract from an article taken from the St George’s News archives, first published in 2000 To be continued..

To be continued

Easter 2022 issue

Communism in England was subdued and thrived mainly in the big industrial areas where the workers were on strike or hardship had struck the community, but our law of freedom of speech allowed them to have their say as well as others so it did little harm. Even about this time there was a Red Dean of Canterbury. Once I heard him preach and it was amazing how a clever tongue could alter the meaning of words, and only on reflection you realised how one can be led astray by oratory. As far as I could make out he told us, “We need not pray to God as the State would look after your well-being!” I don't think he lasted very long as nothing much was heard from him, we had heard all this before. There were others like Burgess and MacLean and their friends who had important posts in our government departments of that time were found to be in the pay of Russia and when exposed were exiled and I think spent the rest of their life abroad where they hopefully did no harm.

America made a great stand against Communism and the F.B.I. rooted them out tooth and nail, they were refused entry into America if they were connected in any way or ever had been at any time in their life.

Then came the time when John Kennedy was President of America and had trouble over Cuba. Cuba was a Communistic island rule250

d by a Dictator but uncomfortably near to the coastline of the United States. Russia wanted a presence and talks had got very threatening to America as Russia ordered her Navy to put to sea, Kennedy answered that threat by ordering his Navy to be ready for action if the Russians did not turn back. While the West waited that was just what they did and that was the end of any Communistic aggression in the West.