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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Summer 2023 issue

Sunday School Eco Challenge

On Easter Sunday, St George’s Sunday School children set about their first big eco challenge: sowing the seeds for a wildflower meadow!

“We each took a bowl of seeds and scattered them about. We jumped on the seeds which was probably the funnest part. It's good to have a wildflower patch because it's good for nature like insects and birds.” - Penny, 8

Fun was had by everyone and we hope to get involved in more eco projects soon! 

St George’s now has a very classy Bug Hotel in the Church Grounds ….donated by the Toddlers Group for the Coronation 2023. See the front cover for the photograph of the Grand Opening which took place on Tuesday 25th April.