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St George’s News - Waterlooville’s Parish Magazine

The Website for St George’s Church, Waterlooville and its Parish Magazine St George’s News

Autumn 2024 issue

Sunday School News

The Sunday school have continued to work throughout the term with various activities.  For example, looking at various instruments of the orchestra by way of a ‘finding game’, learning a little about St. Cecilia. The children learnt the parable of the mustard seed and created a ‘tree’ showing the fruits of Christian Life, the attributes to be aimed for. Another activity was to think about Christian Symbols and to recreate them in salt dough. These were later painted.

Throughout the summer holidays there has been no formal Sunday school but we have met in the hall as usual for colouring and simple crafts. These have included making paper snails, dragonflies out of lolly sticks (unused!) and caterpillars out of small pom poms and creating some splendid ‘stained glass’ windows out of scraps of tissue and using familiar Christian Symbols.

At the end of September the children will join with the young people of Saint George’s Dragons to take part in the service. It is hoped they will be involved in the readings, prayers, serving as well as a short presentation for the feast of St. Michael and All Angels.